Speaking Requests
Need an event speaker?
Dr. Spjut has experience presenting to a wide range of audiences, including academic settings, training mental health providers, and community education. Submit any speaking requests to drkerstispjut@gmail.com. Rates available upon inquiry.
Previous presentations include the following:
For professional audiences:
Helping highly religious individuals with their sexual concerns
How to use Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to treat pornography problems
Clinical techniques for working with perfectionism
Gender Identity and Body Image: Clinical strategies for working at this intersection
An anti-diet approach to diabetes management
Undoing perfectionism in diabetes management
Integrating spirituality into psychotherapy
For general audiences:
Sexual shame and purity culture
Why can’t I stop looking at porn?
My partner won’t stop looking at porn: Advice for moving forward
Perfectionism 101: What it is and how to cope
Grown up sex ed: What you wished you had learned in school
Coping with diabetes burnout