Why is it so hard to believe you are enough?

You are giving life your all, but it never seems like enough.

Even when you’re burned out and try to rest, all you can think about is everything left undone (which ends up not being restful after all).

It feels like your worth is undeniably connected to your achievements, your performance, your abilities—even though you would never judge another person this way. It’s so hard to give yourself the grace and compassion you freely share with others, no matter how hard you try.

There’s just a persistent sense of not-enough-ness that never goes away.

Maybe it shows up in your work, your schooling, your relationships, or your body image. But no matter how hard you analyze it or try to “love yourself,” you still feel like an outsider to life. You’ve read the books, listened to the podcasts, bought all the cute journals (and even wrote in some of them!)—but you just can’t seem to fix it on your own. It seems like everyone else has it figured out, and if you could just be more like them you’d finally be okay.

For many people, this feeling is tied to religious beliefs, whether you are currently practicing a faith or whether you still hold on to messages from the religion of your childhood. You might struggle to disentangle your sense of worth from your “worthiness” or productivity.

Therapy can help.

I help people who are burned out, stressed out, and too hard on themselves learn how to relate to themselves with compassion, connect with their bodies, and let go of unrealistic expectations. I can help you learn practical tools for dealing with painful emotions, prioritizing what matters most, and becoming fully present in your one wild and precious life.